Thursday, November 28, 2019
Civil Disobediance Essays - Civil Disobedience, Community Organizing
Civil Disobediance Civil Disobedience I believe that civil disobedience is justified as a method of trying to change the law. I think that civil disobedience is an expression of one's viewpoints. If someone is willing to break a law for what they believe in, more power to them! Civil disobedience is defined as, the refusal to obey the demands or commands of a government or occupying power, without resorting to violence or active measures of opposition (Webster's Dictionary). This refusal usually takes the form of passive resistance. Its usual purpose is to force concessions from the government or occupying power. Civil disobedience has been a major tactic and philosophy of nationalist movements in Africa and India, in the civil rights movement of U.S. blacks, and of labor and anti-war movements in many countries. People practicing civil disobedience break a law because they consider it unjust and hope to call attention to it. In his essay, Civil Disobedience, American author Henry David Thoreau set forth the basic tenets of civil disobedience for the first time. The independence of India in the 1930's was largely a result of the nonviolent resistance by Mohandas Gandhi to the British colonial laws. In the United States, the nonmilitant efforts of Martin Luther King, Jr., helped bring about civil rights legislation. There are numerous examples that illustrate how civil disobedience is justified. In late 1955 Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was jailed for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger. I don't blame Parks at all for what she did. The African American people had to take a stand on some issue some where in life. Martin Luther King was soon selected as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association(MIA), the organization that directed a bus boycott prompted by Park's jailing. The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year. By late 1956 King was a national figure. These types of civil disobedience are clearly justifiable in my eyes. Everyone should have equal opportunities in life. In 1957 King helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference(SCLC), an organization of black churches and ministers that aimed to challenge racial segregation. King and other leaders encouraged the use of nonviolent marches, demonstrations, and boycotts to protest discri mination. They did this because that was there way of getting the message across. They always had reason to back up their claims or arguments. I could go on and on with examples of civil disobedience displayed by Martin Luther King but there are other conditions from which to discuss. The man who most clearly formulated the concept of civil disobedience for the modern world was Mohandas Gandhi. He was an Indian nationalist leader, who established his country's freedom through a nonviolent revolution and whose teachings inspired nonviolent movements. In 1893 Gandhi went to serve as a legal adviser in South Africa. He was appalled at the denial of civil liberties and political rights to Indian immigrants to South Africa. He threw himself into the struggle for elementary rights for Indians. Gandhi remained in South Africa for 20 years, suffering imprisonment many times. In 1896 Gandhi began to teach a policy of passive resistance and noncooperation with the South African authorities. Gandhi considered the terms passive resistance and civil disobedience inadequate for his purposes and coined another term, Satyaqraha (Sanskrit, truth and firmness)(Internet). In 1914 the government of South Africa made important concessions to Gandhi's demands. His work in South Africa was complete so he returned to India. This only being part of Gandhi's work, it is still amazing. I respect the courage and strength he had, to stand up for what he believed in until he received what he was fighting for. His actions were clearly justified. He was fighting for the civil rights of people of his own kind. I admire that man greatly. He is a role model for people to come. Everyone could learn something from his position on violence. The violence was nonexistent. Another great man who justified civil disobedience was American writer, philosopher, and naturalist Henry David Thoreau. In 1846 he performed an act of civil disobedience by choosing to go to jail rather
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on A Black Mans Justice
A Black Manââ¬â¢s Justice Going down a back road, carrying groceries for her mother, Tonya Hailey walked toward her home. All of a sudden she feels a sharp pain in the back of her head, falls to the ground unconscious, and is dragged to the back of a yellow pick-up truck. Hailey woke up with her hands tied to a tree, and two legs spread apart and tied to separate fence posts. She smelled beer and liquor on the two men who were tying her up. She cried for her daddy, but he could not be there for her. The two men take turns raping her, ignoring the fact that she is bleeding. When they have finished, they spit on her, they cuss her, and they urinate on her. Thinking they will get rid of her, they dump her in a near by river, hoping and believing she will drown. But she does not drown; she lives, and she is found. This is a preview to the beginning of the book I read- A Time to Kill. This book is about a black girl who was raped by two white men. The white men are found guilty, but even so, the girlââ¬â¢s father, Carl Lee Hailey, kills them both. After the two white men, Billy Ray Cobb and Pete Willard, have been tried in court, they are walking out, handcuffed, and the angry father who seeks revenge runs from a janitorââ¬â¢s closet and shoots them both. They die almost instantly. Obviously, Carl Lee Hailey will be taken to jail. His kids and wife are left at home to fend for themselves. His wife had no job and could not imagine how she would get along with no money and no husband to provide for her family. She is scared, and because of Tonyaââ¬â¢s hospital bills, they are even more so in debt then ever. Carl Lee remained in jail. Before Carl Lee killed the two white men, he consulted a lawyer friend that he knew named Jake Brigance. Jake is an average lawyer in a small town. He is white, unlike Carl Lee, and although he realized how angry Carl Lee was, he did not figure that he would do something crazy like kill the ... Free Essays on A Black Man's Justice Free Essays on A Black Man's Justice A Black Manââ¬â¢s Justice Going down a back road, carrying groceries for her mother, Tonya Hailey walked toward her home. All of a sudden she feels a sharp pain in the back of her head, falls to the ground unconscious, and is dragged to the back of a yellow pick-up truck. Hailey woke up with her hands tied to a tree, and two legs spread apart and tied to separate fence posts. She smelled beer and liquor on the two men who were tying her up. She cried for her daddy, but he could not be there for her. The two men take turns raping her, ignoring the fact that she is bleeding. When they have finished, they spit on her, they cuss her, and they urinate on her. Thinking they will get rid of her, they dump her in a near by river, hoping and believing she will drown. But she does not drown; she lives, and she is found. This is a preview to the beginning of the book I read- A Time to Kill. This book is about a black girl who was raped by two white men. The white men are found guilty, but even so, the girlââ¬â¢s father, Carl Lee Hailey, kills them both. After the two white men, Billy Ray Cobb and Pete Willard, have been tried in court, they are walking out, handcuffed, and the angry father who seeks revenge runs from a janitorââ¬â¢s closet and shoots them both. They die almost instantly. Obviously, Carl Lee Hailey will be taken to jail. His kids and wife are left at home to fend for themselves. His wife had no job and could not imagine how she would get along with no money and no husband to provide for her family. She is scared, and because of Tonyaââ¬â¢s hospital bills, they are even more so in debt then ever. Carl Lee remained in jail. Before Carl Lee killed the two white men, he consulted a lawyer friend that he knew named Jake Brigance. Jake is an average lawyer in a small town. He is white, unlike Carl Lee, and although he realized how angry Carl Lee was, he did not figure that he would do something crazy like kill the ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A Brief for a financial case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
A Brief for a financial case - Essay Example o partners together with a team of experienced professionals, whom they hired, build a portfolio of investments that provided investors with a unique risk profile and substantial long-term returns (Bruner, p.672). Palamonââ¬â¢s investment strategy was to make bridge investments in companies that were in a process of moving from small, private ownership to the public capital markets. Palamon focused broadly on small to mid-sized European businesses in which it aimed to acquire control. To achieve its investment strategy of transforming from private to public ownership, Palamon required both funding and management ability. Palamon complemented their financial investments with advisory services to increase the possibility that the portfolio companies would successfully make it to the public markets. TeamSystem provided an excellent investment opportunity, but there were various challenges and risks facing the company, and Elson had to evaluate the viability of the investment in TeamSystem (Bruner, p.673). As Bruner, p.674, notes that Palamon investment process started with the development of an investment thesis taking into consideration the changes in the market, which included trade liberalization, new technology, and deregulations among others. Palamon looked for attractive investment opportunities using various ways. Palamon deal negotiations enclosed many issues including the management, the board composition and price of products of the company. In the investment process, the company looked for exit alternatives after they have fulfilled their objectives. Palamon identified an investment opportunity in TeamSystem, since the industry in which TeamSystem operated had extreme fragmentation and frequently changing regulations. Elson noted that, for the previous five years, TeamSystem Company had no audited consolidated financial statements. The significant players in the industry where TeamSystem operated were family owned firms which had limited access to global
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Corporate Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3
Corporate Finance - Essay Example The alternative to the CAPM has been proposed by Ross in 1976. CAPM fails to deliver the desired outcome due to its impractical assumptions. For example, it has been assumed that all the investors share the same kind of information and possess the same amount of information. It may not be feasible in the real market scenario. Moreover, Fama and French (2006) argued that identifying and estimating the market return (Rm) is quite a difficult task. Thus, a different form of pricing model has been proposed named as Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT). In APT, the pricing of the equity has been derived based on the number of systematic factors. The model exposes that a set of common factors stimulate the outcomes of the market. Moreover, this model also highlights the fact that stocks of the same industry tend to move together. The presence of the multiple factors has complicated the CAPM and also narrows down its scope. In APT approach, the values of the assets are evaluated based on the law of one price and no arbitrage. The model can be considered as a multi-factor model. APT is derived from a statistical model. However, CAPM can be treated as an equilibrium asset pricing model (Fama and French, 2004). The assumptions like the equal expectation of the investors are not considered in APT. According to Grammig and Schrimpf (2009), the APT model is more reasonable compared to the CAPM, as the former considers the lesser amount of assumptions. The assumptions of the APT model are as follows.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
237 word Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
237 word - Essay Example It gives one the solitude that one requires from time to time. A get away from the busy lives, a chance to just relax and think. There is no rush, no getting impatient over the traffic on the road, no worries about the amount of gas being used and how much it would cost to get a refill. There is just peace and quiet, no one begging for attention, a hideaway from all responsibilities, a chance to ponder over life. Of course, there is also much to be said about saving the natural resources, which are most definitely finite and being used up so quickly. Other than saving up on fuel, one also helps in making the environment better as walking does not release any harmful gases which pollute the air whereas driving most definitely does. Since childhood, one has been told all these fairy tales that oneââ¬â¢s parents read to one at night before bedtime. Be they the happy endings written by one Christian Hans Andersen or the brutal Grimm brothersââ¬â¢ versions that one comes across as one turns older, shocking one as one reads them. But what both of these have in common is the theme of magic. Magic is always thought to be something supernatural, a part of the fantasy world, something which is not real. Despite that there have been many books, movies, television shows - you name it - that have been released. There is a lot of variety over these and yet they have all been really popular. What is also pleasantly surprising is that anything magical appeals to people of all age groups. It may seem to be something which may only be preferred by children but certain books such as the Harry Potter series have proved it to be otherwise. There is a certain charm in these fictional worlds like J K Rowlingââ¬â¢s Hogwarts or C S Lewisââ¬â¢ Narnia or J R R Tolkienââ¬â¢s Middle Earth. In reading about worlds that are fantasy but hoping inside oneââ¬â¢s hearts that someday, somewhere, sometime, one could discover that these places do
Friday, November 15, 2019
Change and Continuity in Lââ¬â¢Oreal
Change and Continuity in Lââ¬â¢Oreal Introduction There have been plenty of cosmetics that have been produced and released in the market by various companies in the previous five years. The reason behind this is that more and more people especially women are becoming more conscious of their physical appearance that they are prepared to spend their hard earned money even on expensive but high quality and effective cosmetics. While the cosmetics industry is comprised of many companies that offer unique cosmetics at varying prices, it remains clear the LOreal remains as one of the more dominant and successful organizations at present. Since its establishment in 1909, LOreal has since become a significant force to reckon with in the cosmetics industry (LOreal Official Website, 2010). The advent of globalization has enabled the company to diversify its products to cater to various target markets with distinct beauty needs. Because of the massive profits that LOreal consistently gets from its local markets, the company has been able to effectively allocate its financial resources towards its expansion activities that have helped solidify the companys dominant position in the cosmetics industry. Guided by the effective leadership headed by CEO Jean-Paul Argon, LOreal has amazingly continued to make strides even in the presence of the global economic crisis that has resulted in many of its competitors experiencing significant declines in productivity and profitability. It is clear that the deep wealth of financial and human resources of LOreal along with the effective strategies to take advantage of the benefits provided by globalization has helped sustain the productivity of the company and it is expected that LOreal would be able to maintain its strength in the next couple of years. Part A: Internal / External Analysis Internal Analysis: Strengths LOreal is very much a recognized and admired company in the field of cosmetics. The organization is actually the most dominant and productive cosmetics producer over the past decades. This dominance consistently allows LOreal to attract more followers and convert them as loyal customers by making them satisfied with the beauty products that they buy. The growing population of LOreal has always been the stable source of revenues for the organization which makes it easy for them to achieve financial strength. The effective leadership of LOreal is doing a great job in adjusting the organizations plans and initiatives based on the latest trends in the cosmetics industry. This signifies the dedication of the management to maintain the positive image of the organization by always offering the more reliable beauty products that people will really enjoy and love. LOreal functions under the principle that to maintain its top position in the cosmetics industry, the focus and emphasis of their activities have to be geared to what their customers really aim for in terms of being beautiful (Begoun 2004, p. 560). LOreal does not take chances and is noted for making smart moves to beat its competitors in launching the most innovative beauty products all the time. LOreals cosmetics do not really come at cheap rates but the huge number of loyal customers is a sufficient proof that these products really work. LOreal is also known for its remarkable capability to always be the first company to find the latest beauty ingredients that will work well. The organization possesses deep financial resources to use in extensive research efforts that will help them to check the typical beauty problems of people. Consistent assessments of the cosmetics of LOreal are also being undertaken so that the organization is assured of the sustained effectiveness of their products. Any moves done by its competitors are also being monitored by LOreal for the organization to be able to respond quickly with better products and initiatives. Internal Analysis: Weaknesses The major point of vulnerability of LOreal is the alarming truth that the organization seems to neglect the idea of selling its cosmetics to the people belonging to the lower classes. The inability of the organization to keep in touch with the lower classes is a huge obstacle that continuously denies them the opportunity to clearly separate itself from the rest of its rivals. Because the prices of LOreal products are not considered as budget friendly among the lower class families, they are consistently being beaten by their rivals in this market segment (Kapferer 2008, p. 379). This is absolutely where the rivals of LOreal are striking back in an effort to somehow catch the company The usual criticism that LOreal receives regarding its cosmetics is that they are only made for the wealthy people to enjoy. The advertisements of LOreal boast of the numerous celebrities that endorse their products, and these send the wrong signals especially to the people belonging to the lower classes that these beauty products were not intended for them to use. This has sparked rumors that LOreal is biased when selecting their target markets that will use their cosmetics (Turner 2005, p. 226). This negative publicity and the failure of the organization to clarify these nasty rumors have somehow cast doubts even on their loyal customers regarding the true intentions of the organization. Critics also always question the corporate social responsibility initiatives of LOreal. Since LOreal has diversified its operations in numerous locations involving more than 80 countries, an evident weakness is that handling and monitoring its global activities have truly turned into significant challenges for the company. It only becomes harder for the company on the areas where LOreal products are not really very much patronized by the public due to the expensive prices and lack of familiarity. If LOreal is not going to do anything to improve its poor status in these countries, their competitors will someday take advantage of these weaknesses and may displace them at the top of the cosmetics industry. External Analysis: Opportunities LOreal is always presented the opportunity to offer its loyal clients with the best cosmetics that are impossible for their competitors to imitate. Even though the company is criticized for its selective target marketing initiatives, it could always help to silence their critics by always coming up with high quality products that are reasonably priced. The company has to continue taking advantage of its excellent research and development team that has proven its capabilities time and time again. The chance to respond to the criticism that LOreal is afraid to deal with the consumers from the lower classes must be grabbed by the company to once and for all settle this issue. Perhaps an important move connected to this would be finding ways to make their products more affordable for the public (Capon 2008, p. 263). This way, the consumers from the lower classes can be able to start appreciating the cosmetics of LOreal and not simply dream of using them just like what they always see and hear in the advertisements. It is always important that the consumers feel that their needs are being addressed by the companies whose products they patronize. LOreal can still keep on searching for other struggling cosmetics organizations and perhaps make intensive moves to acquire them to further expand their operations and strengthen their grip at the top spot in the cosmetics industry. It is no secret that the ongoing financial crisis has affected most companies and minimized their effectiveness, but remarkably LOreal has stayed strong even through the tough circumstances (Tang 2008, p. 20). The deep resources of the company significantly helped them to coast along the difficult stretch of 2008 and 2009 when the financial crisis struck. By making efforts to acquire or strike partnership deals with other smaller cosmetics companies, manufacturers and suppliers, LOreal can be able to take advantage of the financial crisis to pull away from their competitors and pounce on the problems that continue to hound them. External Analysis: Threats Since LOreal is the most dominant cosmetics company at present, the rest of the field is always waiting for any potential mistakes that LOreal is going to make so they can take advantage and pull themselves closer to the top (Doz 2001, p. 44). The intense rivalry is very typical in the cosmetics industry, and if LOreal becomes complacent and starts underestimating the capabilities of their competitors to beat them in sales and profits, it could be a costly mistake and something that the company could regret later on. Whether LOreal admits it or not, the financial crisis sooner or later will become an imminent problem that they will have to deal with especially if the crisis extends for the next two to three years. It can become more problematic if LOreal fails to adjust the prices of its beauty products, as the financial crisis has made most people to hesitate spending their money on expensive beauty products. Therefore, LOreal cannot simply keep relying on its deep financial resources to save them from the impacts of the financial crisis because eventually they will get depleted if even their loyal customers decide to refrain from buying their cosmetics. It is a must for LOreal to be able to find other ways to sustain their financial stability and make contingency plans in case the number of their loyal customers begins to decrease. LOreals promotional activities have also been attacked by critics for being biased and providing statements about their products that are merely lies (Sandhusen 2008, p. 52). These are absolutely not good for the long term progress of the company, as these controversies will forever be remembered by the public which could prevent LOreal from stabling bigger and stronger customer bases. The image of the company may be that of a dominant organization in the cosmetics industry, but if the public would believe that they are involved in illegal and unfair practices, they would eventually be losing majority of their precious clients. Summary What LOreal has to focus on is guaranteeing that they continue to capitalize on their strengths while their vulnerabilities are identified and resolved immediately. The various strengths of LOreal are unique and have been obtained through the hard work and commitment of the company to excellence. It would only be logical for LOreal to keep utilizing their strengths to their advantage given that its competitors are still struggling to the impacts of the economic crisis. The company also has to be resilient to monitor any available opportunities that could emerge and should not hesitate to grab them. LOreal, though, must be extra careful because their competitors are always significant threats to their dominance in the cosmetics industry. They need to pay close attention to their activities especially their marketing programs that have been the subject of controversies and fix the issues immediately. Task 2: Globalization and LOreal How globalization influences policies and decision making in LOreal The advent of globalization has had significant impacts on the policies and decision making of LOreal. Globalization has enabled LOreal to formulate policies that are geared towards utilizing its distinct operational structures to produce cosmetics that can be well appreciated by the public consumers all over the globe (Floyd 2004, p. 77). The policies of LOreal have always been based on globalization, and these include addressing the beauty needs of clients all over the globe, utilizing its resources to produce the best cosmetics, advocating diversity in their workforce to obtain better capabilities, improving its knowledge of world trends in cosmetics as well as establishing effective partnerships with providers and manufacturers all over the world to enhance the outputs and minimize their expenses. Through creating policies and decisions that aim to sustain LOreals dedication in offering the best beauty products to its global clients, the company believes that it is able to use globalization to its advantage. LOreal is aware that establishing a global presence is important for them to achieve success, which is why their policies and decisions are geared toward being involved in the cosmetics industries all over the world. LOreal aims to help establish an excellent business environment all over the world while expanding its operations in various sectors (Haig 2006, p. 27). For LOreal, globalization signifies the necessity for them to broaden its operations to enable more individuals from different cultures to get to know and use their beauty products. This global expansion initiative, though, is being done by the company in an organized and effective manner. LOreal has effective guidelines that help safeguard the environment of the foreign countries where they have operations. T he company also offers employment opportunities that are loaded with excellent incentives. They also have policies in interacting effectively with their providers to advocate the maintenance of excellent guidelines in the production of cosmetics. Of course, LOreal does not forget to recognize the policies and traditions of their global partners for development. The advent of globalization has also heavily influenced the policies and decisions of LOreal with regard to workforce diversity. LOreals policies and decisions are geared towards improving its operations through harnessing the knowledge and skills of their workforces all over the global and getting their precious suggestions and contributions. The company understands that the presence of globalization implies the need for them to rely on their diverse workers and address their typical concerns. The policies of LOreal also include guidelines to coordinate with the leaders of foreign countries where they have operations in offering sources of livelihood for their people in exchange for the continued stay of LOreal. This way, the company is able to maintain good relations with more than 80 countries where they currently have production plants and offices. It has become very clear for LOreal that to achieve global dominance in the cosmetics industry of the world, they have to use the diversity of their workforces to their advantage (Finkelstein 2007, p. 132). While the company has successfully expanded its operations in various continents, it remains a challenge for LOreal to penetrate certain underdeveloped countries due to cultural and language barriers. This is the reason why the management is working to break these barriers through new policies that will enable the company to finally penetrate in these tough locations that will contribute to their long term success. LOreal also has policies that aim to build strong relationships with its global business partners, including material providers and manufacturers. This is based on the philosophy of the company that it cannot achieve success by relying only on its own efforts. The company understands that by encouraging the participation and support of other important business organizations, LOreals aim to succeed can have a better chance to happen (Khanna 2010, p. 101). This structure of operation also helps the company to delegate its responsibilities effectively and trust that their business partners will be able to accomplish the tasks and responsibilities given to them by the LOreal management. Another impact of globalization in the policies and decision making of LOreal is the obvious focus on recognizing the rights, traditions, beliefs and norms of every foreign country where they have operations. The company understands that they have to be careful not to violate any of these international laws and policies if it wants to remain productive in these foreign locations. The policies of LOreal in this regard require the constant communication of the corporate leaders and the government representatives to discuss effectively the guidelines and other agreements that need to be approved. This way, any unexpected problems or concerns that could happen in the international locations can be easily resolved and their potential negative impacts are significantly minimized. Part of the policies of LOreal in respecting the international laws of their global business partners is the policy of maintaining the cleanliness of the environment. As LOreals products involve chemical wastes, the company assures the governments of their global business partners that waste disposal is always done effectively to prevent environmental damage and other hazardous impacts. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of LOreals response to globalization In terms of addressing the beauty needs of clients all over the globe, LOreal has mostly been successful in this regard. LOreal views the existence of globalization as a force that makes the beauty needs of their global clients even more complicated. This is because the existence of globalization can easily change the mentalities of people through what they see, heat and read in the media (Mueller 2004, p. 180). This means that what the beauty products that they might like today may be irrelevant for them tomorrow. However, because of the competent and hard working research and development team of LOreal, the changes in the consumer trends and behavior are easily monitored and thoroughly evaluated by the company. The successful response of LOreal to globalization in terms of addressing the needs of their global customers can be attributed to the hard work of its research and development team. The advent of globalization has also challenged LOreal to utilize its resources effectively to produce the best cosmetics. This is because globalization has also been beneficial to the competitors of LOreal. Its competitors have also acquired the new technologies, information and expertise that have significantly improved their operations and their chances to topple LOreal at the top of the cosmetics industry (Kurtz 2009, p 45). However, LOreal has been able to prove time and time again why it would be hard for its competitors to displace them at the top. Under the guidance of effective leaders, LOreal has consistently been able to maximize the depth of its financial and technological resources to create unique, innovative and relevant beauty products that cater to the beauty needs of its global clients. LOreal has never shown any hesitation to spend significant amounts of money in order to always be the first company to launch cosmetics that can catch the attention of global consume rs. LOreal has also been effective at responding to the challenges of globalization through the presence of diversity in their workforce to obtain better capabilities. With its global operations anchored on the strong contributions of its more than 100 production sites with almost 60,000 workers coming from various cultural backgrounds, LOreal has been successful in maximizing the availability of the skills, knowledge and expertise of its diverse workforce to its advantage. It is quite evident that the presence of globalization has made it mandatory for companies to really use a diverse workforce to be able to cope up to the challenges that it presents (Morck 2005, p. 211). The success of the response of LOreal to globalization in this aspect can be directly attributed to the excellent work of the human resources department of the company. The department is able to effectively select the right combinations of people from various cultures to handle the responsibilities inside the company, and does a good job in making sure that the needs and concerns of the employees are always addressed. As a result, the employees of LOreal all over the world are able to contribute significantly to the overall success of the organization. Globalization has always been connected to modern technologies and mass media, and LOreal has successfully used them in improving its knowledge of world trends in cosmetics. The negative consequences of failing to know and understand the latest developments in any market or industry have always been costly and disastrous for companies, which is why LOreal has significantly invested in modern technologies and production equipment as a proof of their readiness and willingness to embrace the challenges brought about by globalization. LOreal does not really worry about the huge funds that it shells out to acquire these technologies and equipment, because it understands that eventually the advantages of their investments would eventually outweigh the expenses. Aside from expanding its operations globally, LOreal has also been successful at establishing effective partnerships with providers and manufacturers all over the world to enhance their outputs and minimize their expenses. Over the last three years, LOreal has engaged in various acquisitions in an effort to cope up to the expansion activities of its competitors as dictated by globalization. Because of globalization, the implementation of free trade has made it easier for the competitors of LOreal to also engage in expanding their operations especially in areas where LOreal has been having difficulties in penetrating. Nonetheless, the strength of the significant acquisitions of LOreal most notably its acquisition of the Body Shop and Sanofi-Aventis is still much better compared to the minor transactions being done by their competitors. Perhaps the only aspect where LOreal has not achieved any satisfactory results is with regard to the environment (Peng 2008, p. 92). It is a well known fact that globalization has been criticized for causing environmental degradation, and the complaints being received by LOreal with regard to waste management are proofs of this. The company has been blamed for polluting water systems due to the chemicals involved in its production wastes, and this has surely caught the attention of the public. Complaints also with regard to the company making use of live animals to test their products have been condemned by animal rights advocates, and numerous protests have been initiated all over the world to stop LOreal from continuing such initiatives. While the company has always denied being involved in these animal testing activities, animal rights groups have yet to be convinced that LOreal is not guilty of these violations. These negativities are definitely undesirable and need to be fixed b y the company before they get blown out of proportions and become more complicated. Areas for improvement in the response of LOreal An important area of improvement for LOreal is concerning its research and development department. This unit deserves to be given credit for its excellent outputs and performances that have enabled the company to maintain its dominant position in the cosmetics industry. It is safe to say that the challenges brought about by globalization in terms of addressing the unpredictable beauty needs of the people have all been shouldered and correctly identified by the tireless researchers of LOreal (Flapper 2005, p. 80). This does not mean though that there is no more room for improvement for this department. The management of the company can keep allocating funds to this department to make sure that the researchers are able to keep doing their studies and activities without any limitations. It is important to remember that the research team is doing its studies on consumer behavior on a global scale, so financial assistance will definitely be needed by the department. The management of cultural diversity among its employees is also an important area of improvement for LOreal. While the company has done a good job in taking advantage of the diverse skills, knowledge and expertise of its employees all over the world, it will be beneficial for the company if there would be clearer methods of conflict resolution especially as cultural diversity is also the usual culprit of frequent disagreements among the employees. It is impossible to think that the employees of LOreal will always agree to all aspects of their work so it will help that methods of conflict resolution are firmly in place. This is an important impact of globalization that LOreal cannot afford to neglect since it could really have negative consequences on the performance of the company. The company is already doing a great job addressing the needs of their global workforce, but ample focus has to also be given to ensure that the diverse employees of LOreal are all on the same page. The use of mass media for its marketing efforts can also be improved by LOreal in response to the challenges of globalization. LOreal has been criticized for unfair advertising practices which have been denied by the company. Nonetheless, to make sure that all these criticisms are answered effectively, perhaps it is now time for the company to step up their efforts in utilizing various types of media outlets to improve its marketing outputs and reach more consumers from faraway places (Rugman 2005, p. 167). The use of Internet as an effective marketing strategy can be an excellent move for LOreal to intensify its marketing efforts and take advantage of its extensive reach. The marketing team also has to monitor the contents of their advertisements to check if there are indeed signs or indications of racial discrimination to prevent unnecessary controversies and issues from emerging. Perhaps the most important area of improvement that LOreal has to focus on is concerning ethics and environmental issues connected to globalization. This has been the major cause of controversies and problems for the company and it is only a matter of time before lawsuits will be filed against LOreal for continuous violations on animal rights and environmental policies. The improvement necessary for this starts with the employees of the company learning to follow the policies especially since they are operating in foreign countries. The management and the employees of LOreal really need to make serious discussions regarding these matters because if they are left unresolved, they will really start pulling the company down. These controversies are not good for the image of LOreal, so the sooner they are able to provide remedies to these problems, the better it will be for the company as they can start concentrating on issues and concerns that are more important than dealing with the co nsequences of their inability to follow policies. Conclusion There is no doubt that LOreal is at present at the top of the cosmetics industry because of its effective strategies that are geared towards taking advantage of its strengths and opportunities as well as reducing the impacts of its weaknesses and the threats being imposed by its competitors. It has also helped the company in having excellent leaders and hardworking, diverse employees. LOreal firmly believes that cultural diversity is an asset for the company, which is why the skills, knowledge and expertise of its employees are always developed to maximize them and put them to good use. Globalization is perceived by LOreal as a challenge and an opportunity to keep improving its operations all over the world. LOreals policies and decisions have undoubtedly been influenced by the impacts of globalization, and the company does not see anything bad at it for as long as the activities that they do are always in accordance to their mission, vision and objectives. The policies of LOreal have always been based on globalization, and these include addressing the beauty needs of clients all over the globe, utilizing its resources to produce the best cosmetics, advocating diversity in their workforce to obtain better capabilities, improving its knowledge of world trends in cosmetics as well as establishing effective partnerships with providers and manufacturers all over the world to enhance the outputs and minimize their expenses. There have also been negative impacts of globalization that LOreal needs to resolve immediately to make sure that they are able to maintain at the top of the cosmetics industry for the long term.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Osmosis :: Papers
Osmosis Introduction Osmosis is the passage of water from a region of high water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane to a region of low water concentration. The aim of the investigation is to find the variables that affect the rate of osmosis and how they affect the rate of reaction. The variables that affect the rate of reaction of osmosis are, Ã · The surface area of the object, Ã · The concentration of the solution, Ã · Temperature of the experiment Surface area If the surface area of the object is larger then more molecules can pass through the semi-permeable membrane. This will ultimately increase the rate of reaction. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] Small surface area Large surface area Concentration If the concentration of the solution is high then it will contain more molecules and so the rate of reaction will be shorter. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Low concentration High concentration Temperature of the experiment Generally the higher the temperature, the less time it takes for a reaction. But with living cells there is a point at which the cell will be denatured therefore the rate of reaction will be altered, as the cells are no longer functioning. Hypothesis ========== Osmosis is defined as the movement of water or any other solution's molecules from a region of highly concentrated solution to a region of less concentrated solution. This movement must take place across a partially permeable membrane such as a cell wall, which lets smaller molecules such as water through but does not allow bigger molecules to pass through. The molecules will continue to diffuse until the area in which the molecules are found reaches a state of equilibrium, meaning that the molecules are randomly distributed throughout an object, with no area having a higher or lower concentration than any other. To make this investigation fair, the conditions will be as follows: Changed variable Constants
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Devoted and Helpful Essay
We all have that one person whom we regard highly of. That person we look up to as a role model. But what is a role model? A role model would be someone who is devoted in most aspects of life to achieve success in the future and always willing to be help usually not caring what the task is. We do not necessarily see this person as particularly perfect but just a good goal of whom we hope to become someday. My sister Priscinda is my role model and she has these traits that I find admirable: being devoted and helpful. Why is being devoted and helpful qualities seen in someone whom we should regard highly of? The reason being is that being devoted is someone who is very loyal and loving that one person who has dedicated there time to another. Being devoted means commitment, putting others needs before oneself, trusting one another. Can we imagine a life without devotion? No commitment, no follow-through, no grounding in what really matters. Maybe thatââ¬â¢s how most people live ââ¬â losing their center in the face of compelling people and situations, not taking the time to reflect on what is important to themselves. Along with devotion you must also be helpful, we were all taught to help others when we were young. Helpful is being able to help others without expecting anything in return and just doing it out of the kindness of a personââ¬â¢s heart. It is a value that parents and teachers have been sharing for ages. Yet, sometimes we get so focused in our own world that we do not always go out of our way to help othersââ¬â we just have too much on our minds and too much on our plates to even bother what others are doing. Being devoted and helpful is of such importance in a person because without these people we would not have anyone to look up to and we would live in a selfish world. Moreover,à one person whom I know that exemplifies these traits best is my older sister Priscinda. She is one person that I know best at being devoted whether itsà school, work, family she is the one to stay committed to be able to succeed.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Simple English Worksheets for Kids Perfect for Students As Well
Simple English Worksheets for Kids Perfect for Students As Well Simple English Worksheets for Kids Perfect for Students As Well There are many English teachers all over the world. Some teach English to students in English-speaking countries, but some teach it as a second language in non-English speaking countries. Training non-native students requires using as many tools as possible to provide interactive process. It may sound funny, but almost all English worksheets for kids will be perfect for students as well, especially for those ones, who are poor at English. Flash Cards These are basic language tools, and they can be used to teach kids as young as 4 and 5 and adults that cannot speak a word in English. In spite of the fact that adults learn faster, you still require heaps of silly games with the cards to practice the material. Pictures and words. Hard to beat. Bingo We all think of Bingo as being a gambling game played by adults, but in fact, Bingo is a very popular English teaching game that has as many variations as you can think up. In this game, there is usually a winner, and that sharpens the interest of the learners. It helps to recognize the words while the spelling is priceless. You can be sure that everyone knows what Bingo means. You can create these worksheets on your own either download them from the Internet and introduce such an activity as a part of the current lesson to revise recently learned words. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire While this was originally introduced as a computer game, it can also be presented as an English worksheet that has questions a team must answer. You can mix this game up with English grammar and general knowledge. Questions that are about the studentsââ¬â¢ countries are very popular. Using Monopoly money will add a touch of realism to the game. Put the Words in Place This game helps students construct sentences using the correct grammar tenses. The most common word usage involves mixing in a few plurals with the correct pronoun. This was originally a kidââ¬â¢s game but is also a great learning tool for adults as you can make the sentences more complex. Talking about a Picture This is another great game for both kid and adults as well. After lessons on vocabulary and grammar, itââ¬â¢s a good idea to make an interactive lesson where the students describe what they see in the picture. The picture is so constructed to revise the vocabulary. Constructing the sentence correctly, forms such a lesson practical. Concentration This game has moved towards a new level by introducing magnetic cards that stuck to the whiteboard. For kids, 12 cards are the maximum that is 6 matches. For older students, it would go as high as 24 cards. You can have the match with either a picture or a word, as two words or as an associated word. The degree of difficulty depends on the English level of the class. Students love playing games, and itââ¬â¢s amazing to see what lengths ESL teachers will go just to give the students a challenge as well as an enjoyable way to learn.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Pandora in Art and Culture essays
Pandora in Art and Culture essays According to our understanding of Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman created by the gods and given to the humans. According to various versions of the myth she was a true gift to them, or a trap, or even a punishment for accepting forbidden fire. One way or another, she was gifted with great beauty and important skills and charms. Pandora's very name means "All Gifted," and suggests that the gods were most generous to her and to humans through her. However, she was also gifted with a magic jar she was instructed never to open. (Over time this jar was changed into a box in most retellings) When her curiosity ot the better of her and she opened the box, all the ills of the world were released. At the bottom of This archetypical story of how woman infected the world with evil is closely related, and one might even say identical, to the Judeo-Christian story of Eve and the forbidden fruit. Historically Pandora has been consistently morphed with Eve in retellings and art. As with her Judeo- Christian counterpart, the way that society has approached Pandora and her story are a sort of litmus test for the way that society approaches women and their mythological and philosophical relationship to that society. It is interesting to see how Pandora's reflections in art have subtly and certainly changed over the centuries. Pandora was a popular figure in Grecian art, and generally represented as an idealized female progenitor. By the time of the Renaissance she had been sexualized and more thoroughly associated with death, and the sins and dangers of seductive Eve. Still the box takes a secondary place in the focus of the artwork. During the Protestant influenced baroque period her grace and beauty was stripped away leaving only the bloated distortion of female lust and greed behind. At that point she begins to be seen opening the box, and releasing its ills. Yet by ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Taxonomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Taxonomy - Essay Example A solution to this dilemma lies in the introduction of the PhyloCode way of naming, which could name and organize living beings on the basis of phytogeny, the evolutionary history of a species or group. With advances in modern science, it has become easier to perfectly determine the evolutionary history of a species, and species and clades can be accurately organized according to phytogeny. In this type of nomenclature, change in one part of the naming organization would not involve any widespread changes. This, coupled with its evolutionary accuracy, is being touted as the major advantages of PhyloCode by its proponents. Changing to PhyloCode from the deeply entrenched Linnean system would mean the re-definition of millions of species, something that the PhyloCode workers have not yet worked out conclusively. Global diversity catalogs will be the first to be affected by any changes that take place: while the Linnean system has the advantage in history and numbers, PhyloCode could soon be throwing the gauntlet, and the catalogs remain flexible to both.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Social Media Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Social Media - Assignment Example Value laden attitudes allow a social marketing manager conduct business within the existing ethical channels. The manager appreciates the value of the law in regulating good business conduct. They appreciate the role of good counsel and rely on the law for guidance. Cyberspace business is infamous for scams and swindles. Therefore, several brands online lose credibility in the market. A legally astute manager uses the law to uphold ethics and therefore create a strong brand with commendable public image and relations. A legally astute social marketing manager exercises informed judgment. The manager recognizes the law as an essential element of business in cyberspace. They hold themselves responsible for legal decisions rather than leaving them to counsel. The counsel therefore plays the role of advisor but not decision maker. In e-commerce, this trait is beneficial in making informed decisions to maximize returns. Context-specific knowledge refers to a managerââ¬â¢s deep understanding of the law. The legal decisions made by the manager are binding to a company as he serves as an agent. Cyberspace commerce is regulated by several laws. Understanding specific facts regarding these laws is essential in ensuring marketing managers practice their roles within the confines of the law. The last component requires the manager to display a proactive approach. This involves the managerââ¬â¢s application of the law from the early stages of designing a business model. Particularly, the manager seeks c ounsel early enough before any major crisis. This is essential in ensuring the business is operating within the legal standard in cyberspace. 2. List and analyze methods of alternative dispute resolution and determine which would be most effective in resolving genuine disputes that arise with consumers who may make purchases from businesses that provide links via social media. The
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